One Stroke Workshop – next week

Hello everyone,

Beginning February 7, 2017, I will be teaching the One Stroke Painting Workshop at the Columbia Art Center in Columbia MD.  The workshop consists of 4-sessions. You will learn everything from how to hold a brush to painting our One Stroke signature rose.  All skill levels welcome!

The Columbia Art Center is located at 6100 Foreland Garth, Columbia MD.

Please sign up now to join us – class registration will close on Wednesday, 2/1/2017 and there are a few remaining seats.

Some sample pictures of One Stroke flowers:

683a34de-6c5c-418c-ae2f-a58c4237c6b5 (2) Wildflower wreath on tray (2)



See you in class!!


Elite Level 2 One Stroke Certified Instructor (OSCI)